Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Diet: Day 2

So again I failed to get up early enough for my morning walk. But hey, I never claimed to be a morning person. I did have breakfast, packed snacks for the day, and wore a nice top and heels to work. Here's the facts for the day:

Weight : 177lbs*
Breakfast : Special K with nonfat milk, orange juice
Snack : granola and blueberries
Lunch : Lean Cuisine Cheese French Bread Pizza
Snack : a few baby carrots, apple slices, peach slices
Dinner : leftovers
Desert : small slice of apple tart
Drink : only about 1/4 bottle of water, one can diet coke, one glass of pomegranate lemonade
Exercise : am - FAIL!
pm - walk for 20min

Josh decided he wanted to use his stand mixer by making an apple tart. Gee, thanks. I had a small piece before my walk. I had to cut it a little short because it was really dark, and I was getting eaten alive despite the half bottle of OFF I had on. Again, I was all by my lonesome. Josh started to walk with me, but he took the girls in after only a few minutes because he didn't want them running through puddles. Humph! Hopefully I can drag my lazy ass out of bed in the morning. Wish me luck!!

*This is what I weighed Monday. I plan on weighing myself only once a week.

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